
A New Era for Aspiring Chefs.

Originated in my homeland of Northern California, Oakland recently has acquired a restaurant under the hands of Scott Cameron. Name doesn't ring a bell? It shouldn't; as a real estate developer, one wouldn't normally associate someone of these credentials in the Food Industry.

So what makes him so inspiring? His new eatery entitled Guest Chef really implements what its title entails. Every two weeks, Cameron will issue a new line of chefs, menu items according to their speciality cuisine, and allow them to cook under this time constraint.

Recession proof for those up and coming chefs, pleasant for those foodies who cannot not stand living in a standardized arena of cuisine, and providing an introduction into a new era of food all add up to something worth acknowledging.

As an example passage from a two week menu:

Organic winter greens with Shinko pear; 
Laura Chenel goat cheese fritter; 
wild mushroom and black truffle tagliatelle with caramelized Brussels sprout; 
roasted sugar plum squash ravioli
homemade whole wheat focaccia with a hint of sea salt.

Mouth watering yet? I thought so. Read more about this innovative style of cooking at Good.is


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